Love & Toe Beans
Gentle Home Pet Euthanasia Services Brisbane
Quality of Life
Our cherished pets can bring so much joy and love into our lives and making the decision to put them to sleep may be one of the hardest decisions you ever make.
Many people are afraid of putting their pet to sleep too soon but in our experience it is rare for people to look back and think this, but sadly people often look back and feel they waited too long.
As their guardians, it is our responsibility to advocate for our pets so it is important to be able to assess their quality of life.
It can be challenging to assess our own pet’s quality of life and quality of life can mean different things to different people. It can be helpful to assess your pet on both good and bad days and to keep a journal to monitor.
We have provided you with some questions that you may use as guidance to help you to assess your pet’s quality of life. It can be beneficial to involve family and friends in the decision making process as quality of life can degrade gradually and it may be more difficult to assess when you see your pet everyday compared to someone who may see them less frequently.
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Quality of Life Support
How will I know when it’s the right time?
We understand how hard it can be to make this decision, so we are here to guide you through this stage of your pet’s journey with thoughtfulness and compassion.
We offer Quality of Life Phone Consultations (complementary). If you would like to arrange a Phone consultation you can send us an QOL Phone Consult request or if you prefer you can call on 1800 823 267 (1800 T BEANS).
We also offer In-Home Quality of Life Consultations for your dog or cat where our mobile vet can come to you. If you would like a quote for a QOL Mobile Vet Consultation please send us a QOL Quote Request or if you prefer to speak with someone you can give us a call on 1800 823 267 (1800 T BEANS).
For additional resources on assessing the quality of life of your dog or cat and help with deciding when it is time to put your pet to sleep, please visit our Quality of Life Assessment Information and our Resources page.